Tag Archives: game

The “Hexagon of Destiny” game.

Today I played a  little game with my younger cousin that her primary school friends came up with. I call it the Hexagon of Destiny.

This is a two person game, but my little brother Kevin joined in any way, and we took turns. With one person being the “Fortune teller”, you start by drawing a square on a piece of paper(I know a square is not a hexagon, nor the other way around. I will explain later).

Now. The “Fortune teller” has to ask the other person to come up with four potential places to live in. A mansion,  on the streets, a pent house. Whatever. Next the person has to provide a number of names (we used 4 or 5). The person has to provide female names if he’s a male, and vice versa. After that, the person has to provide some numbers (it can be random or whatever and how many ever you like). Lastly, the person has to propose a number of color (you should get the jeez of it by now). Each section of information is placed at each edge of the square. In total there were four sections each for an individual edge of the square. The basic preparation of the game is now completed. Like this:


To start. The “fortune teller” starts drawing a curved line spiraling out from the middle inside the square, or you could spiral in from the edge. It doesn’t matter. The line is stopped when the other person says “stop”. We then cut the spiral into half and count the  total number of, from both half. Like this:

hexagon_of_destiny_spiralThe fun part begins here. Starting from the first element in the place section. The “Fortune teller” counts from 1 up to the number of lines. For example, there were 12 lines. Then count from 1 to 12. Then you cross out that element (going back to the example, that would be the 12th element).  By crossing out the element, it means that you won’t have this  happen to you in your life. You can count in counter clockwise direction,  or clockwise. Going back to the example, the 12th element might land you at the color section at red , in this case we had color for the color of the car that you will own in your future.  Because red is crossed out, the person won’t own a red car in the future. Like this:


The “Fortune teller” then counts again from the next element. This repeats until each section has only one element left, and these are the person’s destiny. Remember that. When an element is crossed out. It is not allowed to be counted again. Also, when a section has only one element left, then it is skipped, as the destiny is already ‘settled’.

Eventually we came up with more two more ideas for new sections, and hence the “Hexagon of Destiny”. Feel free to come up with your own sections. We had: 1, Where the person ended up living in. 2, the person they are going to marry. 3, the number of kids that the person will conceive. 4, the colour of the car the person will own. 5, the amount of money that the person will win from lottery. and 6. the number of tattoos you will have.

It was interesting , none the less, I was fascinated by the kind of games that 12 year-old’s came come up with and play now days…